Taking Chances…

When my husband was first diagnosed with RP (a disease that progressively steals your eyesight), one of my first thoughts was that I wanted to make all his dreams come true.  See everything he’s always wanted to see, and thus I began a sort of “list” of sights he had wanted to see over the last 23 years together.

I am not much for doing things outside my “comfort zone”.  I am a sort of “prissy girl” if you will…with some tom boy in there somewhere, but not much anymore.  I don’t like getting dirty, I don’t like heights, and I definitely like to play it safe with everything.

But the last 3 years, I have decided to do things for him that I wouldn’t normally EVER say “yes” to. Like taking flights in helicopters, which we have done a few times now, as an example, and various other things, and finding out, I actually LOVED it!  And now, after a horrendous experience 20 years ago, and saying I would NEVER do that again, we are going camping.  Dave has always wanted to try it again, the right way, but I always turned it down…but now, for him, I’ve decided to try it again.  Seeing his face light up as he packs the tent, and the fishing gear is already worth it…but I will bring the Xanex just in case. 😉

The point that I wanted to get across with this blog is to not wait until something bad happens to wish you had done something, or start doing things you’ve always wanted…do it now…take a chance!

Smoking Baby?

I saw this on the news last night, and literally gasped!   Isn’t this a “poor” country?  But they are making sure this kid gets these?  What has this world come to?  Maybe Paris Hilton should go to his rehab?

Almost Heaven Brownies

I have yet another recipe that is worthy of posting…however, the girl I got this receipe from – referred to these brownies as “Better than Crack” – since I don’t think crack is probably any good, we decided to try them, and re-name them. 😉 

These were super easy and delicious.  I would, however make some changes to accommodate my family better next time I make them, as I have 1 big kid and one little that does not like peanuts.

Here we go:

1 box of brownies ( I used Ghiradelli) make as directions state, but in a 9×13 pan

1/2 c salted peanuts (or next time I am going to use pretzels or pretzel sticks)

1 c chopped Resses Peanut Butter Cups

1 1/2 c milk (or dark if you want to be healthier, like I do) chocolate chips

1 1/2 c creamy peanut butter (organic works great)

1/2 tbspn butter

1 1/2 c Rice Krispies Cereal (Next time, I might do a little more to make it extra crunchy)

Make the brownies according the the box for about 20-25 minutes.

Remove, top with peanuts, (or pretzels) and Peanut Butter Cups and bake for an addition 5-6 minutes.

While they’re in the oven, melt chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter. 

Stir in cereal.

Take the brownies out of the oven, and top with the chocolate mixture.

Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving. 

Tell me what you think and if you’ve made any adjustments and loved them!

Healthy BBQ Chicken Quesadillas

I have wanted to start posting recipes that I have either made up myself and loved, or found, made, and loved (which will probably be most of them).  So I am going to start.  I try to make things with Organic ingredients whenever I can…with the exception of cakes/brownies, cuz organic mixes are yuck. 😉    This one I found online, so I can’t take credit.  I did take pics…but neglected to see the words “No CF card” on my camera – so there aren’t any this time…sorry, you’ll just have to use your imagination! 🙂

Anyhow, this one was easy, healthy and EVERYONE in my family loved it, which is hard to do.

Here’s how….

Whole Wheat Totillas – 2 to make one whole quesadilla

Vidalia Onion

Low Fat Cheddar Cheese

Low Fat Mozzerella or Monterey Jack Cheese

pieces of grilled chicken ( I shredded Publix’s rotisserie chicken and used that)

BBQ Sauce of choice (I LOVE Sweet Baby Ray’s)

First, take a little Oil, I use Canola Oil, b/c it’s healthier than heating Olive Oil, but you can use that…carmalize the onion pieces in that….then put them aside (takes about 10 minutes)

Then, put some cooking spray or a tiny bit more oil in the same pan you did the onions in

Sprinkle some cheddar cheese, pieces of chicken, onion, drizzle some BBQ sauce, mozzarella or monterey jack cheese on one tortilla then top it with another tortilla.  Put into pan and let cook for about 5 minutes each side until browned and cheese is melted inside.

Cut into pieces.  You can use extra BBQ sauce for dipping if you’d like.

 If you like BBQ Chicken pizza, you will LOVE this!  Enjoy!

To pay, or not to pay…THAT is the question.

Tons of Money Screensaver 1 ...

I have talked about the show ,Wife Swap, before.  For some reason, that show really gets me thinking.  Sometimes about the fact I didn’t realize there were people actually out there like some of these people…and sometimes it makes me think about the way my husband and I do things.

Of course, I usually think our way is the best…but then again, I guess everyone does.  But this past episode touched on a subject I have discussed with many-a-mother.  Whether or not to PAY your children for doing chores around the house.  This is a question I have struggled with for years now.  Dave and I made the decision a while back to pay our children, we have them on a “chore list” with each chore getting a certain payment…if it’s done well, I sign off on that particular chore and at the end of the week, they get paid in cash for what they did. 

They have to decide then what to do with their money.  Automatically, 10% HAS to go into the “GIVE” envelope.  As a Christian family, we believe in paying tithes….so we teach our children the same..and they put that in the offering as their own money they give.  Then, they have to decide, what they want to spend now, and what they want to put in the “SAVE” envelope, if they are saving for a particular thing they’d like.   My children have a VERY hard time saving for anything…I still haven’t gotten them to want to put much in their Save envelopes..but I still try.

Now, some other people, and as with a couple on Wife Swap, believe that you should not pay your children chore money.  They live in that house, and should help out – and this I agree with also….but my question is – how are you going to teach your children how to do a job, do it well, and get rewarded, like “the real world” will be?   So, there is my struggle…to pay, or not to pay…I still do…until someone can convince me differently.

And all is right with the world…

After a week of being away at camp, my little dude finally came home today! 

I can tell you that the house has been a lot more quiet and tidy, but I realized…that’s not as important to me as I once thought.  It just doesn’t seem right around here when he’s not at home.

He even gave his sister a kiss on the lips when she went to kiss him before her nap…wow…what happens at these camps, I don’t know…he never tells all…but he always comes home changed for the better! 

We are already back to the old grind and just hanging out…ahhh….life is so good!

Let the weekend with my baby boy begin…

I can’t resist a deal…

Saw this deal today, and thought I’d share with my readers!  I love a good deal…and with so many good movies out…even a rated G one, go figure, why not?


Ready, Set, Go!

I have always wanted to help others in need…it’s been bred into me from my loving parents, and the fact that we were about as poor as they came when I was little, and know somewhat what it was like to not have much.  I have always said…if I had the means to help others, I would….well, I do now.

I have said before, that while I’ve been very ill, I have had so much time to think of what I could do for others when I got better.  Although I am still not completely healed yet, I am able to do some of what I had thought of.

There is such a need in the town close to where I live, so many homeless…and in this day and age, not because they “messed up their lives”, some lost their jobs, families, or abused and on the run with their children.  My husband comes home all the time from business trips with countless shampoos, condiditoner, soaps…and I used to put them in the guest bathroom and save them for guests…but then it just came to the point where we had so much…and here’s where the brain started to go….yes, it does work on occassion! 🙂  (close your mouths…it’s not THAT big of a surprise is it?)  🙂

I thought “I bet there is a huge need in the homeless communities, or shelters that could use this stuff!”  Then, the thought came to me that others might have accumulated this stuff on their travels too…and what if, just what if, I could get the word out for people to bring home their unused toiletries from their trips, I could arrange to get them,  and give them to these people in need?! 

I just put a simple little post on FB to ask if people knew where there was a need…and bam, emails, FB messages and posts started flooding my inbox.  There is obviously a huge need for this stuff…from the homeless to the military.

So, if you are reading this blog right now, and you think you have some of this stuff at home, and/or you know someone or people that do a lot of traveling and can help with this ministry…let me know.  If you’re local…I can arrange to get it from you!  I think every little bit will help! 

Thanks so much for helping me get this ministry off it’s feet…if we can make a difference in just one person’s life…what a blessing that would be!

War, what is it good for?

I am convinced that there are certain things that are just against every man’s religion. 

I have been with Dave for 23 years, and married for 18, and there are things he STILL does not do unless I get after him about it, or what usually happens is, I just end up doing it myself, so I don’t feel like a nag.

For example, this is a picture of the top of our shredder.  The machine that is in DAVE’S office, the machine that lies not 2 feet away from where he spends a vast majority of his daily life.   When I go thru the mail, I will put a pile of things that need to be shredded on top of the shredder…it will pile up, until I finally will just put something on the TV, sit on the floor and shred.  How does the mess not bother him, how does it not scream, “Get rid of me…I look like a big pile of garbage over here!”?

Another example, what the heck is up with things like visiting a friends house?  All the women flock to the kitchen, helping to cook and set the table, while the men relax on the couch or outside, just having a good ‘ol time…then, time to eat, they go to the table, have their meal, and then quickly get back to what they were doing while the women are back in the kitchen cleaning up.  By the time we women get to the couch, we’re exhausted, and not ready for much more.  Who is responsible for this madness?  I want to know!

So therefore, I make my kids do chores, clean up their OWN messes, and help out in the house THEY also live in, so maybe, just maybe, I will have a small part in changing what has become this insane tradition that is men.

There is no greater love…

You know, I’ve never been really the type of person who was very materialistic, nor am I high maitenence by any means, at least I thought so, BEFORE I got sick.  Being sick for 9 (and still going) months has put so many things in such prospective for me.  I mean, you hear it all the time, to appreciate what you have, and I really thought I did…but when you actually think you’re dying…well, you realize you REALLY didn’t. 

Now, I notice every little thing…the way my children smile all different ways at different things….the way my husband’s sense of humor is always at the perfect tone at the perfect time, to make me bust out with a loud laugh…even the words “I love you” which are said quite frequently to one another in this house, means so much more.  I also notice that I have a HUGE desire to want to help others more.  While I was in bed, I thought of quite a few things I’d like to start doing.  To make another persons day by doing the smallest things, means more to me than just about anything!  

Makes me think of how God feels about us…He can do the smallest or even the biggest things for us, but do we notice?  Do we stop and REALLY look around us be thankful  just at the fact that you were able to get out of bed that day, and feel the hugs from loved ones?  Do we shop for things we don’t need or spend unnecessary money on things for ourselves, when we could use some of that to help someone in need? 

I can’t imagine loving anyone more than I love my husband and children.  I tell them probably at least 10 times a day, but I think God loves us so much more…am I truly appreciating what he has given me and using that for His glory?  Are you?

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